What the enemy most often tries to do in our lives is mimic God. However, God intends for events, situations, encounters to grow us, prepare us. What the enemy of our souls intends to do is use events, situations, and encounters that are a twisted version of the real thing to wound us and eventually destroy us and the plan that God has for our life. At the very minimum, his goal would be to derail us from the Greater Plan and Purpose meant for our lives.
Abraham faced a situation in which this was incredibly apparent. God had told Abraham that he would be the father to a great nation. (See Genesis 12) Abraham was a man of faith, and took God at His word. However, after time had passed it didn’t seem possible for the Lord’s promise to come true. Abraham and Sarai still had no children. At this point, God specifically told him that his heir would be his very own flesh and blood (See Genesis 15:4).
Wow! A direct and specific word from God! You would think that this would be enough to propel Abraham forward and keep him focused on God’s promise. That’s an easy assumption looking in from the outside. But have you ever had what you thought was a promise from God on your heart? Then have you ever waited as it looked like that promise would never come to pass? Time stretched on and on…wonder started to play on your mind…Did you hear God? Were you supposed to do something to help it along? It’s a difficult place. It’s difficult not only for the person with the promise, but for the people around that person that all have opinions on what they think God’s plan should be….
Take a moment and examine your own life. Do you, like Abraham, have a specific promise? Or does someone you know feel that they have a certain Word or promise? What has been your response during the wait?