Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the LORD will be greatly praised. Reward her for all she has done. Let her deeds publicly declare her praise. (Proverbs 31:30-31 NLT)
As women, we want to spend our most substantial efforts on the things that are the most long-lasting in our lives. This is why nurturing the relationships with and meeting the needs of our loved ones is so important and so deeply ingrained within us. With this in mind, we must remember that what we want to spend our greatest efforts on in our own lives are the things that will stand the test of time.
Our youthful beauty fades. We are reminded of this when we look in the mirror year after year. Our images transform into something else. And while we may have another kind of beauty as we age, the youthfulness we so often try to cling to disappears. It isn't wrong to take care of ourselves and our appearance. In fact, I believe taking care of our bodies is part of stewarding the resources we have been given. The issue (as with most things) is an issue of the heart. What is our motive? The quest for beauty can become an idol just like anything else. We must ask ourselves if outer beauty has become the focus of our life. If it has, it's not too late to shift your focus and priorities.
Charm is defined as "the power of giving delight or arousing admiration." It is also defined as "to control or achieve by (or as if by) magic." Charm is deceptive. We aren't talking about the first kind of charm....we are talking about the latter. You know to what I'm referring--batting eyelashes, changing your countenance, or accentuating other attributes to manipulate people or situations in order to get what you want. You may think it's harmless, but the truth is it hurts you, the person you are manipulating, and your relationship. Very plainly, it is control and it is deception. It's a tactic employed when you don't think that "playing by the rules" will get you the outcome you desire. It may start out innocently, but it can quickly become a habit. Allowing manipulation to rule your relationships will lead to resentment on both sides. They will resent you because they know you are being manipulative. You will resent them because you don't feel you can reach a positive outcome without manipulating them into doing what you want. Manipulation is an erosion to the foundation of truth and trust in your relationships.
So what is lasting? Our character is something that is lasting because it is something that effects our legacy. The results of our character are what will outlast us, and will impact the generations to come. This passage specifically talks about our fear of the Lord. What does it mean to "fear" the Lord? Doesn't the Bible talk about perfect love casting out all fear?
This type of fear is not the same type of fear that some of you may be thinking. This is referring to "reverential awe." We are simply amazed at our Lord. We worship Him because of His greatness. It is something that we are in admiration and amazement over because we simply cannot grasp His fullness. It is awe-inspiring. When we have that reverential awe and worshipful attitude toward our Lord, it changes how we look at everything around us. It causes our perspective to shift.
Can you imagine living in such constant trust of your Savior because you are in such awe of Him? When we trust Him and His plan for our lives, we are obedient to what He calls us to do. When we are obedient to what He calls us to do, the results do not rest on our own shoulders. They rest squarely on the shoulders of the One that is capable to bring His plans for our lives to pass.
If you will humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, in his good time he will lift you up. (I Peter 5:6)
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